In this edition we begin the transfer of these comments to a blog! Please spread the word about these commentaries of Hosta. I hope others will grow to like these comments as time goes on. The Blog is located at:
As some might imagine the growing slows down during August to the end of the year. Fewer surprises happen, and thus less excitement happens. Persons who want images of which I plants I talk about can go to the location online.
August and September are normally our warmest months in MN; but the early August temperatures are frequently touching 50's at night and they may well be confusing my plants. Popcorn and Dixie Chickadee show the most outward signs of early fall drying. Where flowers have been the seed pods are very scarce which suggests that the insect population is down. My gardens diagram and general information can be found at the Garden Basics entry!
Xanadu Empress Wu - PP20774 CPBRAF: (to be abbreviated: XEW) has it leaves standing straight up. I am uncertain if this is normal growing or if the fertilizer under and around the plants is having a effect. They also have a lighter green edge and I am again unsure if this is due to the weather or the maturity of the plant - they did arrive this way when they were ordered and they were obtained very locally.
Sum and Substance: The flowers are on their last hurrah, and there seems to be a few last leaves arriving but seem lighter
T-Rex: the scape is drying, and the flower season has passed. I moved this plant forward one row to accommodate the XEW. I found it odd that the root system looked much as I had planted it 3 years ago; it has been fertilized and may do better over time. While I had hoped for larger leaves in the fourth season I doubt that will occur due to what was found on the rhizome growth.
Blue Mammoth: Since planting these I have trimmed two leaves off due to drying. The plant still wants to stand. I continue to feel what seem to be new spikes of it under the surface of the soil. The weather may be confusing this advanced growth.
Dancing Queen: was also moved forward to accommodate the move in of XEW. The plant seems to have bounced back quickly from its move; fertilizer effect(?). Two seeming new elongated leaves are seen.
Gorgon: This aloof plant has exploded with new spike growth; and has shown that it can be a brisk grower. No fertilizer here.
Emerald Tiara: Nothing note worthy here. It is alive and well.
June: In the past this has given me dark green leaves with dusty green centers. This year the plant seems to be offering a leaf center color that seems more yellow. This is what is expected for this plant maybe it will keep brighting until it really gets to be Autumn!
Golden Tiara: Nothing note worthy here. It is alive and well
Vulcan: Continues to sprout forth new leaves and spikes. No fertilizer needed; its doing this on its own! I have observed that the mature leaves have have a HIGH wavy appearance as the season progresses. The front third of the leave seems to close to reach its other side for some symbolic reason.
Popcorn: has grown two leaves this season with one drying up. The leaves continue to stand tall. It was fertilized and maybe it might offer a few leaves before autumn comes.
Holy Mouse Ears: The leaves continue to change to green and white, and has offered another new leaf but nothing more than that.
Frosted Mouse Ears: Again this is the same as the Holy Mouse Ears above. These leaves have a nearly 180* distinguished curl from base to tip of the leaf. I've never seen this in a hosta leaf before. The two plants now seem to alternate leaf growth.
Both Mouse Ears hostas were fertilized. I think the effects are showing on these.
X-Ray: has finally sent out a new leaf! Yeppie! Maybe we can get one more before the end of the season.
Dragon Tails: Nothing note worthy here. It is alive and well. Flowers are fading.
Little Devil: Still no growth; although it is another plant that was fertilized.
Little Sunspot:
Original Plant: Sending leaves out but no coloration change.
Second Plant: Beginning to firmly notice the seasons wear and tear (from rain and hail damage). Flowers are fading.
Itsy Bitsy Spider: The running joke for this plant is that it grows so slowly the owner may never see it grow to maturity. More seriously I have seen several leaves emerge on this plant over the summer. It too was fertilized to encourage it.
Lemon Lime: has probably reached its mature size. Flowers are starting to fade here.
Dixie Chickadee: Continued to add leaves, and move from 5 inches in diameter to something more. Next year this ought to be noticeably larger; I look forward to what it brings.
'venusta': This plant also has probably reached its maximum diameter. The flowers have lasted the longest and are now fading.
Round the Neighbothood
Season 1 Act 3
Incoming ....
"Anna … don't look behind, just run for the porch!"
"That looks like remains of a … giant … tomato."
"… it is. It's one of the few things that Mr. Glen knows HOW to do well."
"Growing and lobbing tomatoes?"
"More precisely GIANT house-sized tomatoes and catapulting them at persons across town."
"Everything ok here?"
"Yes. Stio. We're fine."
"Was that another …"
"Yes, it was! I'll get the axes, grinder, and press out."
*Gonna take another two weeks to clean this up,* "I'll get the snowshoes, and hose!".
"I'll call home."
"Hello. Father. It's Anna.""What's going on out there?"
"It's Mr. Glen and one of his … tomatoes?"
"I'm coming."
How long has this been going on?"
"Ever since he moved in 2 years ago."
"Paulapolton Sanitation.""This is Judge Wiseson here."
"Yes your Honer."
"Could you send a complimentary dumpster to Garden Hill Circle by dawn; your people will recognize which residence it needs to be sent to."
"May I ask why?"
"Had I not seen it for myself I wouldn't believe it … I've just witnessed a giant tomato being hurdled from one lot to another …"
"So the reports are true."
"I'm afraid so."
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