I welcome back everyone to the blog this year.
This second edition also brings with it the general documents for my garden for this year. They are found else where with this months blogs entry. The 2014 diagram will have added information as i make changes in my garden. This way you can follow the changes I do in my garden over the season. I have also re-released the explanations about each of my hosta as they relate to the theme; Chaos and Destruction. Later this year I expect to expand on this document further and explain why each of these plants are in my garden for their aesthetic value.
Another topic I will be discussing this year is the need for diversity in the garden. Some say if you’ve seen one hosta you’ve seen then all. That’s not exactly true; while there are many many many parallels between varieties. We will examine that though the ecstatic qualities of my plants and other varieties that exist out in the hosta world. Hopefully in the end of one or two of you might appreciate hosta just a little more (insult not intended). Later this year I will begin to discuss what changes I plan to make to my garden to achieve that broader diversity over the next few years.
When the Hosta finally rise from their sleep. I will discuss what happened in 2012 and how it might or might not have effected the 2013 and 2014 garden seasons.
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The Hosta Review
At the time of this writing there’s still snow on the hosta bed. I put the plants to bed last fall with the following plants and notes: This table will be filled in as the year moves on. You will see it very frequently.
Survival from Fert. Growth Plant
Variety of Hosta 2012-2013 2013-2014 Added Rate Flowered
Blue Mammoth Replaced
Dancing Queen Yes
Dixie Chickadee Yes
Dragon Tails Added
Emerald Tiara Yes
Frosted Mouse Ears Replaced
Golden Tiara Yes
Gorgon Added
Holy Mouse Ears Replaced
Itsy Bitsy Spider Added
June Yes
Lemon Lime Yes
Little Devil Added
Little Sunspot Yes / Replaced
Popcorn Replaced
Sum and Substance Yes
T-Rex Yes
‘venusta’ Yes
Vulcan Replaced
X-Ray Replaced
Xanadu Empress Wu PP 20774 CPBRAF Added
Those that were marked with “Yes” are more then likely plants that have been in my garden for at least 2 years. Little Sunspot both survived last winter and was added to with a sizable additional from a local garden store - nearly a full grown round; As I had originally thought that the original plant was not going to come up.
I was hoping that the Minnesota thaw would hold off for another two weeks or so. The 40°F high temperatures are lining up as this week has progressed. At this rate I might be seeing the garden’s surface before the end of the month. It as at this point I would rather have a fast thaw with the least amount of refreezing
(March 13)
I poked my head out to look at my garden and noted that the melt has actually begun there. A week ago where there was a 18 inch tall peak of snow in the middle of my garden is now a pretty even layer of snow and ice about 6 to 7 inches thick.
The snow along North wall has begun to melt back. Nothing dramatic only an uneven 1 to 2 inch melt back. My blue ceramic planter, which I put on top of the raised bed for storage, is now fully seen. but not moveable yet.
The corner where Itsy Bitsy Spider sits has begun to melt off as well; but it has a ways to go. Hoping this is good sign for Itsy Bitsy Spider's return!
Keep in mind that when the snow has finally melted then there is a 3 week pause for plants to emerge the and survival count begins!
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