Most of the time I do not post images because I know there is a very small population of computer users who have very old machines and cannot open image media of ANY kind. Below is a special treat for the rest of my visitors!
Below is a image of Little Devil with a scape. I have 4 divisions of Little Devil. Two of them are tissue culture (TC) plants that are first season plants. This scape is on one of these TC plants. I was not expecting any flowers on any of the four this year! The scape is only about 4 inches/10.16 centimeters tall and could easily be missed in the jungle of large and small leaves!
OK you've seen the original image. I need to let my creativity out now. If you listen really hard you might hear the following conversation from the picture ...
My readership may still be subjected to my humor as I am actively seeking software, and permissions for gnome props, to proceed with a web comic of Hosts & Gnomes, and I have over 100 photos to play with from this years gardening ... The serial 'Round The Neighborhood' also has not been forgotten about!